
wealth management

P&L: Priorities & Lifestyle Episode 3

P&L: Priorities & Lifestyle Episode 3 - Transitioning The Family Business During a Crisis with Jeff Craig Listen Now! Jeff Craig is the former President of Blaylock Gasket &...

P&L: Priorities & Lifestyle Episode 1

P&L: Priorities & Lifestyle Episode 1 - Business Exit Strategy: Hiring an Investment Banker with Brad Purifoy Listen Now! Brad Purifoy is an Investment Banking Professional at...

P&L: Priorities & Lifestyle Episode 11

P&L: Priorities & Lifestyle Episode 11- Breaking The Barriers That Hinder Business Expansion with Dr. Randy Hamilton Listen Now! Dr. Randy Hamilton is a pediatric dentist and part...

P&L: Priorities & Lifestyle Episode 8

P&L: Priorities & Lifestyle Episode 8 - Making the Most Out of Your God-Given Opportunities with Odes Mitchell Listen Now! Odes Mitchell is the CEO of GM Pharmaceuticals, a...

P&L: Priorities & Lifestyle Episode 9

P&L: Priorities & Lifestyle Episode 9 - The Ultimate Goal of Selling Your Business with Michael Sweet Listen Now! Michael “Mike” Sweet is an attorney for Brackett & Ellis, a...

P&L: Priorities & Lifestyle Episode 7

P&L: Priorities & Lifestyle Episode 7- Navigating The Post-Pandemic Mortgage Industry with Shawn Broussard Listen Now! Shawn Broussard is the CEO of Service First Mortgage, a...

P&L: Priorities & Lifestyle Episode 5

P&L: Priorities & Lifestyle Episode 5 - Investing in an Opportunity Zone with Brandon Jones Listen Now! Brandon Jones is a shareholder at Winstead PC, a national corporate...

P&L: Priorities & Lifestyle Episode 2

P&L: Priorities & Lifestyle Episode 2 - From Franchisee to Starting a Business During Retirement with Dan Phillips Listen Now! Dan Phillips is the Owner and Head Accountant...

P&L: Priorities & Lifestyle Episode 23

P&L: Priorities & Lifestyle Episode 23 – Running Everything on the Cloud with Kelly Herrod Listen Now! Kelly Herrod is the Owner and President of Herrod Technology (Herrod Tech). Herrod Tech is...

P&L: Priorities & Lifestyle Episode 29

P&L: Priorities & Lifestyle Episode 29 – Reassuring Our Clients during Tough Times with Austin Smith Listen Now! The past two years have been—and still are—extraordinary...

P&L: Priorities & Lifestyle Episode 28

P&L: Priorities & Lifestyle Episode 28 – What It Means To Be An Entrepreneur with James Loomstein Listen Now! James Loomstein is a managing partner at Rogue Marketing Agency,...

P&L: Priorities & Lifestyle Episode 26

P&L: Priorities & Lifestyle Episode 26 – Mentoring Your Career and Humanity with Burt Hicks Listen Now! Burt Hicks is the President and Chief Strategy and Growth Officer at...

Thoughts on Things on Thursday | 02.10.2022

Human creativity is the secret ingredient of capitalism. Entrepreneurs and companies create new products, ideas, and ways of getting things done for the future with the knowledge and capital they have in the present. This process creates wealth...

Investing in a Complex Market

Today’s post was inspired by the excellent book: Team of Teams, by Gen. McChrystal Modern destroyers use gas turbine engines for propulsion and electrical power. As a young junior officer, I was required to learn all about these marvelous...

Mental Health Matters

This week’s Thoughts on Things Thursday come with a heavy heart, but I can only hope they will help someone if they are struggling. We lost two clients this week. One lived fully to an old age and died peacefully; the other tragically chose to...

Retirement Impacts Your Life

Have you ever thought about how the tips, tricks, and insights you share with others can have a lasting impact? The sound advice you share with people can drastically change their lives even though it may seem so simple to you. We recently had a...

Are You a Top Priority?

Clients First As large service corporations become more efficient and tech-forward, it creates opportunities for those of us who build personal relationships with our clients. When we bring on a new client, the first step is to help them...

Thoughts On Things | 3.10.22

How will you respond to uncertainty? Impossible to Predict, Possible to PlanPeople are unpredictable, and therefore the future is unpredictable. In Christian terms, we call it free will, and it means we believe that God grants us the ability to...