Things seem to be backward concerning the stock market and the economy right now. The better the economic data, the worse the stock market performs. Especially when it comes to job reports and the unemployment rate. September non-farm payrolls...
I hate the word “retirement” even more as I get older and closer to it myself. Why do I hate it? The word itself does not even remotely sound like fun at all. Retire comes from Middle French retirer (“draw back”) or withdraw. Therefore,...
When I first decided to start my own Registered Investment Adviser (RIA) firm, my longtime peer and friend responded incredulously, “You’re going to walk away from all of your trail commissions? Are you crazy?” Maybe I was crazy, but I was about...
In my pre-adolescent years, I had access to a small private lake on a property my parents owned with several other families. I always wanted to be out on that lake, but the outboard engines, gas tanks, and batteries associated with power were too...
Traditionally, when you die, your heirs have to go through a legal process of distributing your assets called probate. You are said to have died intestate if you die without a will. When this happens, a judge has to approve everything, and all of...
Schulz Wealth: PP&E 401(k) Retirement Savings from Shiny Box Pictures on Vimeo.
Schulz Wealth Economic Overview – Q2 2022 As the year has rolled on, current inflation levels have become the most prominent overhanging fear in the economy. Inflation is 9% for the first time since the 70s and 80s, and the more significant...
By now, most of you have heard about the Student Loan Relief Plan announced by the Biden administration. There are varying opinions on the announcement, but from my experience, for many, loans encourage poor decision-making when we don’t have to...
Schulz Wealth Economic Overview – Q2 2022 As the year has rolled on, current inflation levels have become the most prominent overhanging fear in the economy. Inflation is 9% for the first time since the 70s and 80s, and the more significant...
P&L: Priorities & Lifestyle Episode 27 – What To Do With Your Property in Today’s Economy with Mark Cabal Listen Now! Mark Cabal is a professional realtor who runs Mark...
Today’s post was inspired by the excellent book: Team of Teams, by Gen. McChrystal Modern destroyers use gas turbine engines for propulsion and electrical power. As a young junior officer, I was required to learn all about these marvelous...
Rob’s Thoughts on Inflation: For my entire 30-year professional career, inflation has never been a factor. I have endured five bear markets, yet the peril of high inflation has not been a consideration for my clients ever until this year....
In our recent semi-annual reviews with clients, it has become almost routine for us to look at portfolio returns together and say, “That looks great!” Well, last week was not so great. The market corrected, and there was nowhere to hide. Didn’t...
The fourth quarter of 2021 did not break stride from the rest of this year. The jobs reports continued to come out extremely strong; corporate earnings did the same. As the last quarter of the year wrapped up, we are now officially below the...
Some years back, my two younger kids expressed an interest in investing. Admittedly, I botched their initial entry into the finance world. The recent acceleration of stock trading by new investors fueled by online message boards parallels the...
Two weeks ago, I got a call from one of my clients. He owns almost 40,000 shares in an unknown local technology company that he bought from the founder many years ago. He paid around $20,000 for it at the time. The stock trades on...
“What’s one thing you wish you knew about investing when you were 20?” I was asked this question as a guest on a recent podcast. My answer? “I wish I knew how phenomenally well Apple stock was going to do because I owned it when I...
Check out this fun excerpt from my latest book for your reading enjoyment. I used to tell this story to 401(k) participants in enrollment meetings. It’s a real conversation I had with my dad in our garage in 1978! What do you think?
Answer: Maybe not the account you think! This is a pretty common conversation that we have with clients. Here is a handy chart outlining the different options and their tax treatment: Tax Deferred – Pay it Later Tax deferred...
The first time I reviewed and worked with a nice bond retirement portfolio it was my grandparents investment account. In the mid to late 90’s I found myself driving down to Temple Texas once a week to help them out with medical and...
Many of the conversations I’ve had recently about the stock market have revolved around the question “why” as in, “why is the NASDAQ hitting record highs in the middle of a pandemic?” “Why is Tesla up so much?” It’s a natural...
In this video, Austin and I talk about Equity Indexed Annuities. We’ve been analyzing quite a few of these lately and there are two major takeaways: They are complicated. They provide a guaranteed income...
For almost everyone in investing, there are two main risks: 1. The Risk of Losing Money 2. The Risk of Losing the Opportunity to Make Money Of these two risks, we can choose to eliminate one or the...
In the last four weeks something near the number of 26 million Americans have filed for unemployment. That is a crazy high number that has led to some eye popping GDP expectations for the quarter. Some reports expecting something...
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