Updates From The Experts

Security Measures - Your Investment Adviser and You

Like all Registered Investment Adviser Firms, we maintain cyber security policies and procedures to protect sensitive client data from theft and fraud. Many of the measures we take can be extended to you and your computers for the greatest level...

No-load Life Insurance is a Game Changer

With four kids to raise, I have always maintained a good amount of life insurance coverage. Over the years, I have made changes from time to time to take advantage of lower costs and newer plan designs. I like having permanent coverage with high...

Finding Your Own Definition of Financial Success

We have all formulated strong ideas of what success looks like since childhood. In many ways, personal financial success gets defined FOR us by the outward appearances of those we believe to be successful. The financial planning process helps...

Moments of Truth and Texas High School Football

The hot August sun was starting to make itself known as morning advanced. There were just a few plays to go until the first Freshman inter-squad scrimmage of the season would be over. Small groups of parents along the sideline idly watched and...

Practical Investing with a Blood in the Streets Mentality

“Buy when there’s blood in the streets” – Baron Rothschild During the Panic of 1871 in Paris, when everyone was selling, Baron Rothschild (according to the story) was buying. This makes a lot sense, but it’s hard to translate into action due...

Sea Stories on Leadership: Part II

On the Fo’c’sle of the USS John Rodgers in the warm sun of Valparaiso, Chile we watched as command passed from one captain to another. We knew little and had learned less about our new CO in the two weeks he had been aboard. Quiet and unassuming,...

Sea Stories on Leadership: Part I

This is a two part series about two Captains I served under consecutively aboard the USS John Rodgers, a Spruance Class destroyer, shortly after the Persian Gulf War. The first came to us from a shore tour he had just completed at the Pentagon in...

Mid Year Financial Checkup

It’s hard to believe the year is halfway over. Now is a good time to review and determine what steps need to be taken to finish out the second half. Here are five topics to help you put together a nice mid year review. Income and taxes. If your...

Greek Economic Crisis is a Democracy Crisis Too

World markets shuddered today as the Prime Minister of Greece acted in a very unpredictable manner. Prime Minister Tsipras called for a vote by the Greek people on whether or not to accept bailout extension terms from their creditors. The crazy...

Variable Annuities can be Costly

Back in the 90’s I sold a lot of variable annuities. I worked for a large financial services company that strongly encouraged the use of variable annuities and there were some advantages. For one, it was a great way to gain access to multiple...

Financial Meetings with your Kids

The last several weeks we have been busy meeting with our client’s children. We recommend what we call “kid meetings” at a few critical stages: Just prior to getting their driver’s license. Just prior to going off to college. After graduation...

Thoughts on Social Security Benefits

More than half of retiring Americans today opt to take Social Security before their Normal Retirement Age, and less than three percent of filers wait until age 70. Many retirees must not realize Social Security benefits are approximately 75%...

Financial Maturity

Real personal financial success cannot be accomplished until we have achieved a certain level of financial maturity. I believe proper spending, saving, investing, and planning are all learned traits. Accomplishing these things effectively...

Bachelor of Free Swim

The Schulz family will be proudly in attendance at College Park Center in Arlington today for our oldest daughter’s graduation from college. One down…….three to go. Our daughter has grown and changed tremendously over her college years from a shy...

For Entertainment Purposes Only

As a parent, I watch a LOT of volleyball. I sometimes think I know the game and start making suggestions to my oldest daughter who plays competitively in college. She reminds me quickly that I am a fan and not an expert. No matter how many games...

5 Tips Towards a Successful Retirement

In most of my recent client meetings I am being reminded that retirement is an outdated term. We try to use the term “transition” but that does not fit as a good description either. However; finding the right word is not the real issue rather...

Catchin' Perch

Nobody has ever accused me of being a great fisherman, but when I was seven or eight I knew how to catch perch by the bucket load. I would lie down flat on the sun-warmed dock my dad had built and peek over the edge to the water just below. I had...

Life Insurance Can Be A Beating

Buying and maintaining life insurance policies is a pain. On the surface, it seems like a pretty simple transaction but it is actually one of the most complex pieces to the Financial Fitness puzzle. Media bias and aggressive sales tactics...

Topics to Address to Heirs upon your Death and How

We spend a lot of time and effort in my practice helping our clients build a solid Estate Plan. After all of the legal documents are complete, beneficiary designations changed, and accounts and trusts squared away; there is always something...

Vacations Do Not Have To Be Fancy Trips

When my clients come in for a visit, more often than not the first thing we talk about is where they have been and what trips they have planned. For those who are in good financial condition, the vacation budget can be one of the largest cash...

Financial Fitness

Several years ago I took a test at Lifetime where they put me in a mask on a treadmill and tried to kill me. The trainer measured through my mask how much oxygen I was able to absorb while taking me to the maximum effort my heart and lungs could...

The Kitchen Perspective

I had a friend in high school who went to work for the new McDonald’s that came to town. It was a big deal in Taylor, Texas. My dad liked to joke, “they paraded the Golden Arches down Main Street.” My friend became a fast food cook. Before long...