Clients First

As large service corporations become more efficient and tech-forward, it creates opportunities for those of us who build personal relationships with our clients. 

When we bring on a new client, the first step is to help them transfer their assets from other firms. Their funds may be coming from old 401(k) plans, large insurance companies, or discount brokers. Of course, we try to make it as easy as possible for the client. In some cases, we call the transferring firm, conference with the client, and assist with the details.

Big Name Doesn’t Always Mean Big Service

The other week, I sat on hold for over two and a half hours with Vanguard. Fortunately, my phone has an on-hold function that mutes hold music and allows me to conduct other tasks while waiting for someone to pick up. To this, you may say that Vanguard, a behemoth in my industry, probably makes up for its downfalls in phone service with online prowess. You would think so, but yesterday I assisted a frustrated planning client as they tried to navigate and trade their account online. Their online portal was confusing even to me, a seasoned professional.

Vanguard is just one example of many, but the most confounding. We use several Vanguard funds and ETFs, and their support of us as advisors is outstanding. But very few large financial services firms provide adequate care and service to clients directly.

Does Your Financial Services Provider Make You a Priority?

I have two words for those service providers who provide personal care and attention to clients: Job Security. By personal care, I mean human interaction with someone you know. Individual care can only be delivered when it is essential both to the client and the seller. Some things we buy are not important enough to either party, but I would argue financial security meets a higher level of priority.

Are you a priority to your financial services provider?  Your finances and your future are a top priority and should be seen as one by your financial services provider.  If the answer to my above question is no, I would suggest making a change.  At Schulz Wealth, we take pride in building relationships with our clients and ALWAYS make them a top priority.

- Rob